Palmer Blog

March 29, 2010

Relying on past relationships is not enough to survive in today’s B2B environment

Relationships are critical in a B2B environment. It’s how we have and will continue to endure. We can never become complaisant or take them for granted as they are vital to our success. The way we initiate new opportunities and gain the trust of future clients is however changing and we need to keep pace with this evolution or face further revenue decline or extinction. Since June of last year we have been fairly aggressive […]
March 26, 2010

A front end, back end debate!

The other day we were with a transportation client who had postponed the development of their new site until their back end functionality was in place. “Why launch our new site when customers can’t access their shipment information through a secure log in?” It’s a discussion we’ve had a lot over the last year. My response was “if you have an immediate need to travel why postpone getting your passport photo done because your butt […]