Palmer Blog

March 20, 2012

Decision Making Made Easy

If you think of all the choices you’ve made and all the different roads you might have gone down, does it ever make you wonder about the decisions you’ve made and the ones you’re about to make? I came to Toronto in the early eighties. I was a full time musician at that point in my life and against the advice of pretty much everyone I knew, I came to Toronto to give my music career […]
February 17, 2012

Canadian Yellow Pages…. a good door stop or an effective resource?

We had our new Yellow Pages delivered this morning. Hooray! Apparently 550 million of them were delivered in the USA as recently as last year. The half dozen copies we received, weighing in at 30 lbs,  will go directly into our recycle bin. Last fall there were hundreds delivered to the mail room at our 25 story condo in Toronto. I never saw anyone pick them up and I believe the majority were recycled as well. […]
January 30, 2012

The captain is back…with 5 tips for your business

My last blog of 2011 was about turning over the captain’s chair to my staff while I took a 3 week vacation. A real vacation at that, not glued to my e-mail or solving problems from afar. I let them sail the ship and I relaxed. It was a welcome change. If you have an experienced team, the captain is only needed when you hit rough water. Steering the ship through a crisis is a […]
December 21, 2011

Sailing the ship without the captain

As we approach the holiday season I am currently 1 week through a 3 week vacation. Along with it being my first extended holiday in the last 24 years, it is really the first time I’ve let my team fully run the ship without at least some guidance from afar.  The timing was right. They all have confidence in their abilities and so do I. It is a necessary step in the sustainability of my […]
December 8, 2011

When to listen. When to push back.

I have a button. When it’s pressed alarms go off, temperatures rise and composure slips away. If I am told to do something that I believe is fundamentally wrong, I have a pretty hard time with it. I fight back, sometimes kicking and screaming. I take it personal.  I’m learning to be more diplomatic and in the end, stand up for what I believe in without alienating my client in the process. Like most things, […]
November 28, 2011

10 Tips for the Newbie Sales Person

I got into sales when my company started, decided it wasn’t my strength and got out until a few years ago. I read a book called “Truth and Lies in Advertising” and it mentioned the creative director (what I do at my company) needs to be the strongest sales person in the company. So I made an attempt and had some success. I focus on the business, providing the right solution and that seems to […]
November 16, 2011

The industry continues to shrink but not the opportunities

This year has had its share of change. 2011 started off with a significant shuffle in leadership, across many major carriers and was followed by some significant acquisitions by small and large carriers alike. Our long time accounts Hi-Way 9 Express, Concord and more recently Quik X, all changed ownership. Fortunately our relationship with those carriers didn’t end and we actually made further inroads with sister divisions. Some senior people who left those companies turned […]
November 8, 2011

Location, location, location.

Everyone has heard how important location is in creating a successful enterprise, especially in the restaurant business. We now have a chance to see if a well established product, great reputation and professional execution can offset a location with a long history of failure. For folks like me (that have worked in proximity to the Toronto airport for most of my career), a once popular location has been revitalized. Pepi’s was a fast food joint […]
October 20, 2011

When is the Right Time?

If you take a survey of top executives in the transportation industry, how many would say that marketing their company is important? I think most would agree that it is required. I would also suggest that most don’t make the budgets or time available to make it happen. Typically, a sales and marketing VP has their hands full managing reps and their share of major accounts. They may have a flair for marketing but probably very […]