Palmer Blog

March 28, 2011

When it snows, it storms

I’m looking out my window at a snowy day in Mississauga. It would have been a reasonably good weather day for March in small town New Brunswick where I grew up. But here and now, a little snow can shut this city down. Twenty minute drives can end up being 2 hours. Hard to believe I had my motorcycle out for a spin on the first day of spring just two days ago. Life is […]
March 21, 2011

There can only be one vision

Every department, company and democracy has a leader for a good reason. The one thing most of us would agree on, is that with any given issue there are as many opinions as there are stars in the sky… and someone needs to make the final call. I like the sayings “a camel was a horse designed by committee” and “too many cooks spoil the broth”, and of course to counter that “two heads are […]
March 15, 2011

A good start to the year

Although nobody is jumping up and down with joy, we find the general mood in the transportation sector to be positive as we shuffle into 2011. There have been a few acquisitions, quite a bit of shuffling at the senior management level and the driver shortage topic has come to the forefront once again. Does anybody know where this economy is going? Not really. But one thing is for sure… in the next few years […]
February 9, 2011

Changing it up: A website update

It’s time to redesign our website. Our company has changed significantly over the last couple of years and our web presence should reflect that. I gave our team the following objectives, stepped back and let them loose. You can be the judge of how well these have been achieved. A taste of our new marketing is featured in the February 2011 issue of CT&L and we needed to coordinate our new web with that release […]
January 28, 2011

Thinking Big and Small

There are notable advantages and disadvantages related directly to the size of your organization. As a small company, it would be helpful at times to think like a bigger firm and have more processes and procedures in place. The opposite is always true; with larger companies favouring process over the kind of entrepreneurial decision making that made their companies a success in the first place. It’s basically a spin on the economic theory of marginal […]
January 25, 2011

Hanging on to the Dreams you Build

Although there are not too many Donald Trump’s or Tiger Woods amongst us, we’ve all set out to accomplish certain things and have achieved them. Whether it’s good health, financial security, a better education or a nicer home for our family, we know the importance of having dreams and making progress towards them. What a recession teaches us is that it’s one trick to get there and a whole other trick to hang on. A lot of […]
December 23, 2010

Season’s Greetings!

A seasonal thank you to our valued customers We would like to take this time to thank you for your continued support. It is truly appreciated by each and every member of our PM team. This year, we have decided to donate those monies traditionally spent over the holiday season to Cancer Research, in the name of Bob Hatfield. Bob recently passed away from cancer at the age of 51. He was Lee Palmer’s first […]
December 23, 2010

Boss For The Day

A short while ago, before I left for 1 week’s vacation we tried an experiment. I decided not to run my business from afar and trust my very capable team to keep the balls bouncing and the wheels rolling. We drew days from a hat and 5 members from our team got to be “Boss for the day”.  No great amount of thought went into it other than determining a fair way of selecting those […]
December 10, 2010

The Rebels at Tim Horton’s

This summer, Tim Horton’s introduced a new procedure where the person taking your order got a little more personal, “Hello my name is Debbie” were the words you heard as you drove up to the area where you initiated your first cup of java for the day. I waited for the new procedure to fall off but after several months the location I frequent has kept up the pace of being as warm and comforting […]