Palmer Blog

November 22, 2010

Come Together

Last week we had an important appointment at our office and took the afternoon to do a long overdo clean-up and used that same opportunity to reorganize the office to make better use of our space. As I looked on, I must admit I felt a great deal of pride in seeing everyone working together towards a common goal. In this case the goal was simple and achievable. No one doubted the outcome. Everybody contributed […]
November 5, 2010

Busy, busy, busy

Fall is typically a good time for business activity. In conversations with our predominantly transportation clientele, most companies are climbing their way back to previous revenues but not staffed or equipped to the point they were pre-recession. The result, fewer cooks making more meals and thus everyone is busy, busy, busy! When things are going well, it’s easy to make the mistake of thinking you’re more or less invincible. I’ve come to realize all business […]
October 14, 2010

On the Firing Line

Anyone on the sales side of the equation knows how hard it is to turn a single transaction into a repetitive one and a business contact into a customer. Screwing up and subsequently how you handle a screw up is one of the defining moments in establishing lasting supplier and customer relationships. As much as we strive for perfection the fact is we are all going to mess up occasionally. When we do, we need […]
September 28, 2010

Credibility by Association

In one of my blogs not too far back, I suggested that if you have a diversified service mix you need to maintain the quality of each product to a similar high standard…maybe not. Last night some musician friends of mine were backing up a Japanese blues guy and invited me to come by. After viewing the performance it made me rethink my previous stance. So here is a young blues man who has studied […]
September 10, 2010

It’s Better on Top

In our business, the thing we try to avoid like the plague is letting a project slip to the bottom and stay there too long. It doesn’t happen very often as most projects have a deadline and deadlines are what keeps our world moving. The bulk of our work stems from a pending need like; we are totally out of brochures, we need material for an ad placement today, we have a customer event next […]
September 3, 2010

Grown Ups Are Just Kids With More Wrinkles

We recently had our niece move in with us to attend college in Toronto. Coming from small town Ontario, she seems more like 14 than 18. You forget how much wide eyed enthusiasm kids have, especially when you’ve been removed from it for a while. Jumping sideways… we motorcycled out to Port Perry on the weekend to meet up with friends for a bite. We had lived out that way for a couple of years […]
August 16, 2010

The Secret To Success – WYAO

Working in marketing has allowed me an opportunity to meet many successful business leaders. Our process of discovery before rolling out a marketing program has given me an even greater opportunity to have in depth discussions with these visionary entrepreneurs. Your chance for greatness can be realized if you adopt their common entrepreneurial traits. They’re excited about what they do, they know their business inside out and they are without exception… workaholics. Life balance may […]
July 23, 2010

The 3M’s – Motorcycles, Music and Marketing

As I get to know my customers better, I’m surprised to find so many boomers in charge of transportation sales and marketing who share my interest in riding motorcycles and playing guitar. Many of us have rekindled these passions later in life, but is it a mid-wife crisis, a way to keep our Mo-jo workin’ or just good old fashion fun? Regardless of the reason we enjoy the 3M’s, here are a few things to […]
July 14, 2010

Top Ten B2B Website Tips

From my experience, many of our larger B2B customers view their site as a customer portal for relevant data and are not overly concerned with anything beyond that functionality. During this past recession, our company has shifted a lot of our resources to web development and understanding how to make it an effective marketing tool for our customers. Without getting too technical, my top 10 suggestions for a more marketing orientated B2B website are as […]