Palmer Blog

July 9, 2010

Eight Lessons Big Business Can Learn From Small Business

When talking to a large carrier earlier this week, we shared our thoughts on having to cut back staff,  work harder and do more with less. Our experiences were surprisingly similar though he had thousands of employees and I had just shy of a dozen. Today’s management is extremely hands on and the people that make up our trimmed down teams are communicating better and operating at higher efficiency levels. At some point, things could […]
July 5, 2010

9 Post Recession Tips for Marketing a Diversified Transportation Mix

I’ve called on hundreds of companies over my 22 year marketing career and have discussed strategic concerns with just about every size, mode and geographic focus possible within transportation. Many companies say they do a dozen things well and really do 1 or 2. Others have an extremely diversified menu but customers are unaware of the breadth of service provided. Both are immediate marketing concerns. #1. You typically have to win customers over one service […]
June 28, 2010

My Top 10 Undisputable, Post Recession, Business Basics!

On a call the other day I had someone comment they were the “incredible shrinking company”. Although a few industries proved to be recession proof, most of us had to take a hard look at our business and make significant changes to ensure sustainability. I value old sayings like “When the going gets tough, the tough get going” and “Necessity is the mother of invention”. The immediacy of shrinking business revenues forces us to take […]
June 23, 2010

Bedtimes and Blogging

When my kids were small, a regular routine at bedtime was telling them a story. I would sit at the top of the stairs and weave a tale inspired by recent events of one sort or another. Their favourite was about an old lady who lived deep in the woods. The Bucket Lady, as she came to be called, loved to catch children and scrub them clean when they were careless enough to enter her […]
June 11, 2010

Psychographics and the One Trick Pony

By definition psychographics is not an insane graphic artist as depicted in the accompanying photo but is “The use of demographics to study and measure attitudes, values, lifestyles, and opinions for marketing purposes.”  To further explain, “even though you may have determined your demographic group, people within that group still have very different perceptions about the benefits or value of your product and will be motivated for different reasons. These differences are known as psychographics. To […]
June 4, 2010

Carriers, Zombies and the Economy

In a conference this past week I had the pleasure to listen to panel discussions from the viewpoint of shippers, carriers, financial analysts and other industry sectors. It was enlightening to say the least. I’ve already blogged on the topic of what the large retail shipper is looking for and also how best to handle the delicate subject of rate increases. The shippers know they’ve had a good run and won’t be surprised by rate […]
May 31, 2010

The Benefits of Blogging

I’ve only been blogging for a couple of months now but I’ve seen the benefits and I’m definitely a believer. Because we track everything we do, we can directly attribute a significant increase in our web rankings on Google to our blog efforts. Jerry, who manages our Web, IT and SEO and Robin who heads up our Promotional Services are also frequent bloggers on our site. From my perspective, there is no shortage of marketing […]
May 28, 2010

What Shippers Want When Selecting Carriers?

At Palmer Marketing we do our utmost to keep current with design and marketing trends. We also attend various industry functions to further understand the challenges the transportation industry is facing. The take aways from a recent conference are as follows: What are large shippers looking for when selecting carriers? Commitment to timing, now more than ever EDI interface Modern equipment and financial stability Proactive solutions to maximize consolidation opportunities and utilization Solutions away from […]
May 25, 2010

Adapting to Changing Business Dynamics

Over the last two years we’ve seen most of our clients downsize and reduce spending. No surprise, the recession has touched everyone and creating a new balance between performance and profitability has been a tough one for us all, large and small…especially when it’s on the fly.   Our business, like many others has experienced a major and likely permanent shift away from who we were, to who we are now. In our case, we […]