Palmer Blog

January 4, 2013

My Top 10 Goal Setting Tips for 2013

I asked a good friend and very successful one, what New Year’s resolutions she had made for 2013. Her answer: “None, why do it if you’re not going to make them happen and I never do”. That’s one approach that certainly protects your confidence and why set yourself up for failure? Because the holiday season is the one time of year that we can all take a break, I do tend to reflect and set […]
December 20, 2012

Looking back at 2012…my last sermon of the year

I haven’t been writing as much lately, for a number of reasons; sold our condo, doing a major house Reno, got a new pup, recorded a full length CD and busier than crap at work. Anyway, I thought I should send one more out for 2012. It was a good year for us and the industry too. Caution is still King but not as many complaints around…everyone has made the adjustments needed to cope with […]
November 28, 2012

Dropping the ball…and recovering!

I am currently involved in an extensive home renovation. Because our condo sold in a matter of days, with a quick closing, we are now living mid-renovation and about a month behind schedule in our new home. For those of you who have gone through the process and like me, are about as handy as a fencepost, your fate rests in someone else’s hands. I have done the renovation thing several times before and I’m […]
November 1, 2012

A desperate call

We get weekly inquiries from small and big business alike, asking for help with their marketing. But in my 25 years of business it was the first time the call was quite this desperate in nature. “I’m going to lose my business unless you can think of some way to save me.” The first thing I thought of was “The Dragons Den” and all the small business people on the show who  poured everything they […]
October 11, 2012

The value of a sales person

Sometimes you learn lessons late in life and that certainly applies to my understanding of the sales person’s role. I bought out my partner over 3 years ago. He did a great job looking after our existing accounts but he and I didn’t see eye to eye on our need to add new clients. It was the old farmer/hunter sales scenario and it’s a discussion I still hear tossed about frequently throughout the industry. Buying […]
October 3, 2012

5 tips for getting back on top

My last blog was in August and I just came up for air now. Where did September go? Pretty easy to get behind these days. It’s time to put some extra effort into catching up and staying caught up. It’s a better way to operate. So you had a game plan and you fell off the wagon, like me? Does that mean the plan was flawed or that you just lacked the discipline to follow […]
August 9, 2012

The secret to life balance

I just got back from a week and a bit of a holiday. It’s hard to believe how quickly you’re sucked back into the day to day activities of the working man, or woman. I would have to say most of us are losing on the balancing act between work, family, extra activities, health, finances etc. Why is that? My top 10 tips for achieving work life balance: 1/ Quit your job 2/ Divorce your […]
July 12, 2012

An update on location, location, location.

In November of last year, I wrote a blog about the folks at Zet’s who took over a Derry Road restaurant, just north of the airport. It was a dubious location, where multiple enterprises have failed over the last decade. After my first visit, my thoughts were “I think they did it right and will be a success. It’s well marketed and manned and I believe their attention to detail will make the difference in […]
July 9, 2012

Blog Power – 6 Tips for Success

Over the last couple of years we’ve had a few customers try to initiate updates for their own company blog. I’m afraid the success rate has been less than terrific. In all cases, it was well meaning and they all understood “Blog Power” could organically increase their rankings on search engines. Those increased rankings would then translate to increased traffic to their websites and more sales opportunities. Still in the majority of cases, these blog efforts […]